The Monson Historical Society is always looking to obtain items that relate to the history of Monson. These items can be from long ago or more recently. These could be things like: photographs, diaries/letters, ledgers/store records, account books, signs, original home movies, Monson organization memorabilia, Monson participation in the military, store give-aways/promotions, trading cards, postcards, items made in Monson, etc.
A sample of items that may be donated are shown below.

A.D. Ellis Mills, Inc. tag; Town of Monson Police Department war on drugs booklet – 1970; Monson High School Class of 1929 Yearbook; Monson Academy Catalogue 1892-1893; Monson High School Class Day Program 1924

A History of Hampden County Massachusetts Volume III 1902 Monson Illustrated 1884

U. S. Air Force Women's Summer Uniform, War Song Book 1918, Handmade knitting bag for Grange Contest